Wednesday, June 10, 2009

African merchant lady in Morocco (1000 words)

This picture is one of my best and it says so much.

US in Morocco

This was a fun time. The camles were like house pets to the locals. NOW I HAVE SET FOOT ON 5 OF THE WROLDS 7 CONTINENTS!!!

Spanish Bull Fighter

This is not what you think, just a show. There is a group of madadors and they massacre the small bulls after each fight, which there are 8 fights a day. Not impressive.

Madador Fighting Bull

We were not impressed that these madadors kill such small calves, these are not heroic men fighting 1,000 lb bulls like people think.

Bull cornered the madador

Our bus tour guide

He informed us a lot of the culture and ironically enough; he use to work for NATO. He is a very educated man and we spoke about the women wearing the burkas.

Fresh Herbs & Spices

Master Vendor, what a barterer

Palace Doorway into Fortress

Produce alley seller

Moroccan meal with in-laws

Roaming Street vendors

They will carry your carpet all the way through the city for you.

Locals at the Restaurant

African wine

Fresh herbal tea

Beach of Tangieres

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Huge Stalagtite

This is in the caverns of Malaga, huge rock formations.

Morroccan Restaurant

Very nice & unique atmosphere with fun entertainment.

Arab Girls ralking on the coast

It's good to see these young omen not oppressed with the full Burka and can feel comfortable enough to be out in public just talking. The world is changing.

Rug Man

There were so many vendors trying to sell us persian rugs. They gave a great demo with the history and would cator to naything you wanted; to include shipping to Alaska.

King Cobra

Morocco Snake Charmer show

Morocco Streets at Port

You can feel very unsafe here; if you don't have a group and take precautions. The locals were telling me that things will get better for the US, not that Obama is in. I told him, I don't share the same opinion & walked away. There is a huge market to buy things here; especially silk rugs.

Safari Land Cruisers in Africa

These excursions are made in Spain, but take you into Africa.

3 Churches at one point (Birchesgarden)

Antique swiss chairs in hotel

Decor like this is in the Jung Frau Grand Hotel.

Adventure pick up van at hotel

These companies cator to tourist, the SWISS are all about fun & adventure.

Paraglyding Chute Bag, bigger than her

Prepin Parachutes

Such a busy cliffside, but great thermal air.

Paraglyding over the Lakes

Soooooo beautiful & breathtaking.

Parachuting in, watch the crane!!! (Interlaken)

Evgeni coming in for a Landing.